An insight into Mick's long and varied career in angling
Mick Brown is one of the most well known and certainly one of the most enthusiastic anglers in Great Britain. In particular he is renowned as one of the most successful freshwater predator anglers of his generation.
In 1991 he left a career in production engineering to become a professional predator angler after setting up his business Mick Brown Angling Services. Combining his technical and writing skills with his vast angling experience, he soon became useful to the UK's top tackle and bait manufacturers and his love of all types of fishing has led to him being involved in a wide variety of related activities.
Although he has been a lifelong angler, it is in the last twenty years that he has become well known for his written work and photography and his influence extends across Europe where he has also featured in the European angling press. In more recent times he has become a popular television personality where he has shown his adaptability to many other angling disciplines too. Although Mick has caught large fish of most species, he is renowned for his pike catching exploits which have been made in many countries including Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Mick retired from the tackle and media business in March 2014. His catches include 432 pike weighing over 20lb and 34 pike weighing over 30lb with a personal best of 37lb 8oz. He has also caught UK zander to 15 lb 12 oz and UK catfish to 115 lb. Although taking life at a steadier pace, he still fits in fishing with his other interests which include music and caravanning. He will also take on the occasional commercial project if he finds it interesting.
Over many years, Mick has helped countless anglers with his advice through his writing, films, tuition days and events. Now retired, and finding less time for one-to-one and group tuition, Mick is still happy to pass on his wealth of knowledge through this website. The Predator Talk section will be occasionally updated with interesting topics which will help beginners and improvers get to grips with the many challenges that predator fishing presents. His hope is that they will enjoy their sport more, and in such a way that they respect the fish they pursue and the environment in which they live. He still catches a few himself in between times, and luckily his wife Jan shares his love of the outdoors and gives him her full support!
Mick never had any plans to go into television, but when given an opportunity to appear in one of the pioneering Angling Today programs produced by ATV back in the 1970’s, Mick seized the chance. It was presented by Terry Thomas and was about fishing for eels which was Mick’s passion at the time. This old film is believed to still exist in the company archives and Mick has his own copy on an old VHS tape.
Matt Hayes was one of the new names to bring angling to our screens in the late 1990’s with his original Total Fishing series for the Discovery Channel. This magazine style program brought other new names to the angling viewer too including Gord Burton (The piking pirate) and Peter Stone, a great all-round angler who is sadly no longer with us. Amongst the merry band of guest anglers was Mick who became famous for his Pot Noodle tasting and sandwich making fiasco’s with Matt which proved that the audience wanted a little humour served up with their fishing entertainment.
It all came about after Mick and Matt met each other at a pike fishing event at Ringstead Grange Trout Fishery. They soon found that they had a lot in common, both being born and raised in Birmingham and having fished the same places. With neither of them having a boat partner for the day they decided to share, and the day led to discussions about future plans and aspirations. Matt opened the door for Mick to get a consultancy with him at Shimano and the start of a partnership was born which is still going strongly to this day.
In 2000, Matt asked Mick how he would feel about joining him in a 15 part series. Feeling a little daunted by the prospect and needing a little arm twisting, Mick finally agreed and through the summer of that year, Matt and Mick toured some of the top venues of the day in search of great fishing and adventure.
In this highly acclaimed series, Matt and Mick take on the challenge of catching every species of UK freshwater fish in a 30 day period.
Apart from picking off the easier species, they also travel far and wide to seek out the waters where rarer species might be found. They do it – but only just!
Catching a record fish for television would be considered impossible so Matt and Mick take on the challenge to catch the biggest fish they can of each species.
Touring some famous and some not so well known venues, they come up with some impressive specimens including a 44 lb carp and a 3 lb rudd.
Matt and Mick get back together for another series in which they tackle all their favourite species ranging from tench in quiet lakes to conger eels in a large estuary.
Another challenge is taken on in this series in which the dynamic duo travel the breadth of Ireland, Wales and England. To make it interesting, they have to catch a pound in weight of fish for each mile they travel, and have to do so within a strict time period. In a well planned adventure, they achieve their goal in the allotted time.
In more recent years, Mick and Matt's angling adventures have appeared largely online including Vimeo and Facebook and feature in several DVD’s and books.
Filmed in the autumn of 2024. Will be shown through a crowd funding site in early 2025.